
Mitch has asked me to reach out to you, and let you know about our informative Workshops we will be having next month, so we can get you up to speed on all your rights and options by coordinating your social security benefits with pension income and retirement savings, that can create income to meet your monthly expenses. That’s why we want to make sure all our clients get help with making these important decisions

 Our Social Security Workshop we are having on Thursday, July 10, 2014 @ 6: 00 pm and on Saturday, July 12, 2014 at 10:30 am with our Wealth Advisor & Retirement Specialist Mike Lucey.

 Our Work Shops are complimentary and are a great way to assure you are prepared for retirement.

Please call @ 707 778-7650 to reserve your seat today and if we can assist you with any further questions. You can also go to our website www.SocialSecurityLive.com/Lucey

 Hope to see you there!

Lucey July 10th and 12 2014 Work Shop